go down - tradução para Inglês
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go down - tradução para Inglês

go down         
Go down; Go Down (disambiguation); Go Down (song)
go down а) спускаться; опускаться to go down in the world опуститься, потерять былое положение (в обществе) б) затонуть Three ships went down in last night's storm off the coast. в) садиться (о солнце) As the sun went down below the horizon, the sky became pink and gold. г) быть побежденным After so many victories, our team went down in the last game! The city went down before the enemy. д) стихать (о ветре) е) быть приемлемым для кого-л.; быть одобренным (with - кем-л.) ж) быть проглоченным The child coughed and coughed because a piece of bread had gone down the wrong way. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. з) быть записанным Our secret plans must not go down on paper. и) уезжать на каникулы It must seem very quiet in the university town when the students have gone down for the summer. к) понравиться кому-л. Jim went down well with Mary's parents on his first visit. л) не удаваться The business has been going down all winter; perhaps trade will be better in the spring. One of my best students went down in the examination.
go down         
Go down; Go Down (disambiguation); Go Down (song)


общая лексика




садиться (о солнце)

быть побежденным

стихать (о ветре)

быть приемлемым для кого-л.

быть одобренным

быть проглоченным

быть записанным

уезжать на каникулы

понравиться кому-л.

не удаваться

фразовый глагол

общая лексика


становиться ниже

спадать (об опухоли т. п.)

снижаться (о ценах)

утихать (о ветре, море)

садиться (о солнце)



быть побеждённым


оставаться в веках

(with) быть принятым




разговорное выражение

быть проглоченным

уехать из большого города в меньший или из города в деревню

бросить или окончить университет (Оксфордский или Кембриджский)





потерпеть неудачу

карточный термин

недобрать (взятки)


go down         
Go down; Go Down (disambiguation); Go Down (song)
снижаться (о ценах)


go down
1. be defeated in a contest.
2. be recorded or remembered in a particular way.
3. elicit a specified reaction.
4. N. Amer. informal happen.
5. Brit. informal be sent to prison.
6. Brit. informal finish one's studies and leave a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge.


Go Down
Go Down may refer to:
Exemplos de pronúncia para go down
1. Go down! Go down!
Mr Deeds (2002)
2. go down.
Krauss _ Talks at Google
3. go down.
Thrive _ Arianna Huffington UK _ Talks at Google
4. We'd go down at winter, we'd go down at Easter,
Love, Loss and Inspiration _ Benji Bennett _ Talks at Google
5. – We should go down there. – We can't go down there.
Jumper (2008)
Exemplos do corpo de texto para go down
1. They should go down when interest rates go down," he said.
2. "I just want my gas to go down and my cost of living to go down," Allen said.
3. "I was innocent and I told him if I had to go down then I would go down innocent.
4. You know, obviously I wish the violence would go down, but not as much as the Iraqi citizens would wish the violence would go down.
5. During the demonstration while chatting slogans of «Bush go down», «America go down» the protestors pledged to continue Jihad and take revenge of the Shudah’s blood.